Monday, September 3, 2007

Sunday August 26, 2007

Services at Godfrey's church in Vic Falls this morning. The team sang, "Let There be Peace on Earth" and "Amazing Grace", Godfrey's favorite song. I think we did okay.

After church we went on a walking tour of Victoria Falls, or Mosi-oa-Tunya (the Smoke that Thunders). Incredible site.

Here's a baobab tree. This one is huge.

And here's the statue of David Livingstone, the European "discoverer" of Victoria Falls.

My friends the baboons. I have them on video. If I can figure out how to load video on this blog, I'll do it!

Shopping the open market today and in the blind shop.

Tonight we went on a boat ride on the Zambezi River. Had to get the obligatory sunset!

Dinner tonight at Mama Africa. This is where Cindy met Godfrey a few years back. He showed her the village of Chikandakubi, and the rest is history. I couldn't finish my dinner tonight, so we're going to give it to some street children.

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