Here are 2 of the members of the staff, Rosemary and Benele
Here's the dining area
"Nancy?" It's Bibiano, my little friend from February. What a sweetie. We have arrived in the village of Chikadakubi once again.

Then we went to the men's workshop - they're doing some marvelous work. Here's a picture of several of their pieces.

Lots of the guys in the village were working on one of the wells near the school.

There aren't many children in the village today; school is not in session, but those that are here came to see us, and to get some food. Those that are here are SO happy to see us. I realize how much I missed this village and these wonderful people.
We went to 4 churches to pay our respects and deliver small gifts of incense and candles

Then we went to the men's workshop - they're doing some marvelous work. Here's a picture of several of their pieces.

Lots of the guys in the village were working on one of the wells near the school.

Oh no!! Giant spider in the corner of my room! Gotta get the guys to remove it. HUGE! I'm back. In the process of arachnid removal, Jack decided to capture a chameleon that was climbing up the wall. He's a crackup - Jack, not the chameleon.
Great day today. Took lots of pictures.

Mokai and Herbert
Crispo - little boy who rode in truck and held my hand as
we looked at his grandmother's garden. I gave him the rest of my water and he drank the entire thing.

Dinner tonight was macaroni, vegetables and a delicious pudding the name of which means "scrumptious in the mouth". And it was.
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