Tuesday, February 13, 2007

One day until Zim!

Well, I have been neglectful in posting here, but since I have a free moment before the 2 feet of snow buries us, I'll jot down some thoughts.

We're supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning for JFK, but there's a major snow storm on the horizon. In fact, my friend, whom I'll call Bob, tells me that, "HEAVY SNOW WILL RETURN DURING THE AFTERNOON AS MESO-SCALE BLINDING SNOW BANDS COULD PRODUCE INCREDIBLE LOCALIZED SNOWFALL RATES UP TO 6 INCHES PER HOUR ALONG WITH THUNDER SNOW." Sounds deligtful, no? Now I have to google "meso-scale blinding snow bands!"

The students did a remarkable job finising their projects last week. All told, we have 225 friendship bracelets; some wonderful gifts for our adopted boy, Admire, including a fabulous photo album; and a fantastic book about holistic therapies - the students also created 4 sets of index cards on rings that the home care nurses can take with them to patients' homes to practice holistic medicine on them. These students are phenomenal. I assume they're reading this :- ) They also raised over $400 on their bake sale. So proud, I am.

So that's it for now. I'll try to log on from the other hemisphere, if I can, and give you all updates. For now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we make it out of here on time. I know who wants a snow day, but please!

1 comment:

Mary B said...

I hope the snow holds out at least long enough for your bus to arrive at JFK! (You'll be loaded down with a lot of people and luggage, so the traction is good, eh?)

From snow to the heat of Africa. Doesn't get much more extreme than that.

Good luck! Love, Mary